Past Events
Clothing donation to Shelby County Schools Dec. 2019
DWSC President Norma Lester and Vice President Dr. Sherry Compton pictured with Dr. Karen Ball and staff at SCS, Cigna, And Alliance Health Services.
Holiday Party Dec. 2019
Inaugural Virgie Banks Member of the Year award recipient- Rose Ann Bradley
Summer picnic, June 22, 2019.
Annual meeting of the Federation of Democratic Women, June 13-16,1029, Albany, NY.
Our 2019-2020 scholarship recipients.
Myra Stiles and Mycah Davis Martina Jones
Norma Lester
Installation of 2019-2020 officers.
DWSC President Norma Lester at a press conference regarding City Council appointments,December 18th, 2018, at the Civil Rights Museum.
Scenes from the DWSC Picnic on August 11th, 2018.
DWSC drove these folks to the polls so they could vote during early voting.
Donation to DWSC from the Tennessee Voter Project in honor of our dedication to working for the success of the Democratic Party and the citizens of Shelby County, Tennessee, July 18, 2018.
Democratic Women taking care of business delivering water to campaign headquarters of Karl Dean, Craig Fitzhugh, Phil Bredesen, Floyd Bonner, Katrina Robinson, Reginald Tate, Raumesh Akbari and Lee Harris, July 18, 2018.
DWSC Meet and Greet with Karl Dean, July 13th, 2018.
DWSC Meet and Greet Craig Fitzhugh, July 5th, 2018.
Phone banking to Get Out The Vote at mayoral candidate Lee Harris' office, July 7th, 2018.
DWSC Meet and Greet with Senatorial Candidate and former Governor/Nashville Mayor Phil Bredesen, May 24th, 2018.
Frayser Spring Festival, May 5th, 2018.
Spring Convention of the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women, April 20-21,2018 in Jackson, TN.
Elections of DWSC officers- March 10th, 2018 meeting.
Memphis Women's March, January 21, 2017
The Democratic Convention watch party, August 4th, 2016.
Reception for Mayor Strickland and the City Council members, Feb 20th, 2016.
Salad Fest, September 19th,2015.
The Straw Poll held by the Shelby County Democratic Party on September 16, 2015.
The State Convention of the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women, May 22-23,2015.
Holiday Party, December 2014.
Myra Stiles Peggy Monroe, Virgie Banks Adrienne Pakis-Gillon,
Bill Gillon, Dick Klenz
January 11th, 2014, meeting.
DWSC Workshop, Saturday, Oct. 19th, 2013.
Erica Thomas's presentation Peggy Monroe and Brenda Faye Carter
on voter education Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women